Spotz el francesito: Ha sido un cachorro travieso . . .
By Kiara Shankar and Vinay Shankar
About this ebook
Spotz el francesito no es un perro cualquiera. Tiene un gran corazón y no lo piensa dos veces antes de escucharlo. Esto lo lleva a tener todas sus traviesas aventuras, lo que lo convierte en un cachorro muy travieso a lo largo del libro. Únete a Spotz mientras provoca problemillas y momentos divertidos dondequiera que vaya. Este libro es una gran lectura para los amantes de los perros.
Kiara Shankar
Kiara Shankar is a talented fifteen-year-old author/songwriter from San Francisco, California, USA. Apart from writing books and songs, she loves reading and artwork. Her debut book, Primrose's Curse, has been published in fifteen different languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, and more. Kiara Shankar also co-writes pop song lyrics along with her Dad, Vinay Shankar. The pop hits penned by the father-daughter duo-sung by singers Primrose Fernetise, Francesca Shankar, Marla Malvins, Vin Cooper, and SpotZ the Frenchie-are now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and more digital music streaming platforms.
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