Explore tender moments, unfulfilled desires, and echoes of shared experiences in this captivating poetry collection. Themes of love, loss, longing, and wonderment weave seamlessly together, offering interludes of contemplation and delight. "Taste of Salt: Poems on Love and Life" delves …
Also by Antonia Wang...
In English
En español
About the author
Antonia Wang
Antonia Wang, a bilingual poet, nature enthusiast, and yogi, has written several poetry collections in English and Spanish, including Love Bites, Palette, and Things I Could Have Said in One Line But Didn't. She is an international CASS scholar from the Dominican Republic. Her work, known for its vibrant and evocative imagery, appears in various literary publications and anthologies. Antonia lives with her family in the United States. Follow her on social media @tuttysan, or visit her website biteslove.com