Women's Film Festivals & #WomenInFilm Databases: A Handbook

Available at Select Retailers

Essential handbook for women-identified filmmakers, in all their diversity, who want to find and connnect with their audiences. And for everyone who loves those filmmakers and wants to watch their movies, in real life or virtually.   56pp, many illustrations.

Comprehensive, global list of women's film festivals: Africa, Asia, Canada & the United States, Central and South America, Europe, Oceania and specialist all-year streaming sites. Links to each festival and its social media, and notes its associated activities like educational programmes, conversations with filmmakers; and its publications. Supplies each festival's Covid status. Also lists databases that support and promote women and non-binary filmmakers. Contextualised in Introductions to each section and in Afterword.

If you love the diverse female gaze, women's art and imaginations, community and women's lived experience, this is for you.

Other books by Barbara Ann O'Leary