Uncharted Avenues

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About the author

Lisa Keifer

Though she grew up in a small town, Lisa Keifer always dreamed of living in the “big city,” which is probably the reason why she has used both kinds of settings in her novels. When not busy creating or revising, she can often be found curled up on the sofa with a comfy blanket and (usually) heart-wrenching book. Lisa occasionally attempts finishing a scrapbook she started years ago but doesn’t seem to make much progress on. She also loves spending time with her wonderful husband and adorable son and other family and friends.
Lisa is the author the Romance in Chicago (First Day of . . .) series as well as the small town Lost Hearts Found Romance series. Follow her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lisakeiferauthor) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/lisakeifer_author)