Salt & Pepper Man

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About the author

Charles Puccia

I have had had several midlife crises. Started with on graduation from a northern New Jersey high school. Okay, a false crisis that felt real. Nothing unusual for a few years, just lots of transition: college, electrical engineering, biomedical research, ecological studies, and non-profit advocacy. Now I write novels.

My hometown changed too: Boston and Sarasota, USA; Montpelier, France; Messina and Rome, Italy; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. All the travels gave me ideas for characters; eccentrics or incredible talent or geniuses gave me the wacky personalities or supreme beings to populate my books. Yet, the inspiration for the series derived from America's embracing health obsession, diverse cultures and lifestyles, and extreme sports. Romance and sex yield love and companionship; greed and power beget crime. And Vinnie Briggs investigates in his intuitive manner, against my better wishes.

When not writing, I am a nuisance to myself and others.