A Vampire's Dream

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About the author

Carla Susan Smith

Born in the Dark Ages, when all reading material had to be chiseled into rock slabs, I am happy that I can now use a laptop for my writing (beats all those smashed thumbs!) I now call South Carolina home where I live with my wonderfully supportive family, who have come to learn that meeting deadlines translates to pizza for dinner! When not writing, I’m just like everyone else, trolling the internet looking for rhubarb recipes, checking out cute animal videos (who knew baby owls were so adorable?) and trying to get through my ever growing stack of to-be-read books! I am forever grateful to all the readers who have enjoyed my books, and who continue to allow me to enjoy this crazy, wonderful ride and I would love to hear from you (about anything!) so feel free to drop me a line through my website: carlasmithauthor.com