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D.L Fletcher

I am a Canadian full time employee - mother of two - grandmother of two - married to a wonderful supportive man who writes in her spare time. I am trying to live at least part of my life doing what excites me the most.
I have had an infatuation with pens, paper and note pads since I was a small child. This love affair is still as strong today as it was when I first learned to write cursive. I can't walk into a stationary store or down an isle of pens and paper and not get sucked in. It is so bad that my husband if we are on a mission for something will playfully cover my eyes while taking hold of my hand hurrying me by them.
As a young girl I thoroughly enjoyed the library and card catalogues. I could get lost inside of a library for days and I would have been in heaven - though I never admitted that to my friends, because that would have been weird. I loved books. I still love books! I love everything about them! I love the smell of them, the cream thin or thick pages. I love the covers - soft or hard. I love the way a story can make you get lost inside of it - the author gives you the canvas but your mind does the painting. All of it fueled my dream of holding a copy of a book I wrote some day.
I'm not sure if I am a great writer or if my stories are interesting, but they are mine. I love the characters like they have lived a part of my life. I love the stories like they have been a part of my reality.
Anyway...that's the first mile of my journey. One that I hope will be a thousand miles long...