The Lost of love: Book 1


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About the author


HARENDRA KUMAR. They are a passionate original screenplay writer that loves what they do and want others to see that love shine through in all of their work.

   HARENDRA KUMAR has always been captivated by the art of storytelling form a young age, they quickly absorbed the content of a variety of Books and films. As they grew up, Harendra Kumar found that having an artistic outlet was perfect way to express their thoughts, creativity, and imagination. They Quickly fell in love with screen writing and haven't looked back since, committing themself to a career as a professional original screenplay writer. 

HARENDRA KUMAR , A bit about me

My Story

Even as a young child I was conjuring up stories and filling them colourful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen. Since then, I've progressed quite a bit to formulating longer and more larger audiences. As a professional storyteller I'm adept at using my imaginative thinking and creative flair to bring my stories to life in engaging and entertaining ways.

Harendra Kumar