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الطابور الخامس: صفحات من أطماع الإسلاميين في القرن 21: غزو الغرب والصين
Hichem Karoui
Writer /Journalist/ Senior Researcher: London
- Published over 30 books and counting, (translations not included).
- Authored co-authored, edited, and published hundreds of daily/ weekly/ monthly briefings, reports and analyses, peer-reviewed articles, monographs, and books, about MENA region and international politics.
- Participated in many international conferences, either on the panel, as a member of the organizing team, or as a journalist.
- Has been involved with the media since his early career, thus serving in different posts: reporter, investigation journalist, copy editor, cultural journalism, political journalism, editorialist, and Executive Editor.
- Translated several books/documents. Also reviewed translations for publishers.
- Member of several academic boards.
- Veteran columnist and commentator for the media.
- Ranking in the top 10%of Authors by all-time downloads on Social Science Research Network.