The Black Knight's Reward

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As the roaring flames engulf her, Merry du Boise struggles futilely against the binding ropes before relinquishing herself to her fate. Miraculously, a fearless warrior sweeps her from the stake and from certain death, placing her under his protection. However, as a nun condemned for heresy, with whispers of sorcery surrounding her, Merry’s problems have barely begun.

Luke, the king’s commander, has battled fire before and lived. Using his hard-earned moniker, the Phoenix, he has risen in the ranks of King Henry’s service with only one goal—to inherit his grandfather’s coveted estate of Arundel. Yet in the blink of an eye, rescuing a witch from the flames and stealing her away from the powerful Church have put his entire future in jeopardy!

Having vowed to protect the fiery-haired beauty, Luke realizes he wants to offer her more than merely his sword arm. Yet Merry has been betrayed before. As her dark past catches up with her, can she put her faith in an earthly savior who is torn between duty to his king and his own personal desires?

Other books by Sydney Jane Baily

About the author

Sydney Jane Baily

USA Today bestselling author Sydney Jane Baily writes historical romance with engaging characters, attention to period detail, and sensual romance ~ often with a touch of intrigue. With degrees in English literature and history, she has spent her entire professional career in publishing on both the editing and writing sides of the desk. She is also a world-renowned cat and dog snuggler, and proud mother of two.

A first-generation American daughter of Brits from either end of London, Sydney resides in Massachusetts with her family -- human, feline, and canine. The rest of her extended family live in the U.K. where she spent many happy childhood summers. She loves shandys, Maltesers, and anything from Harrod's food hall or in a Fortnum and Mason's basket.

You can learn more about her books, read her blog, and contact her via her website at She loves to hear from readers. On her site, you can also sign up for her Readers' Group and receive a monthly (not bothersome) newsletter along with a free book.