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Gudrun Frerichs
I’ve always been a storyteller and passionate reader. Though in the last few years, I became disappointed with books featuring a hero and heroine in their twenties or early thirties. Life doesn’t end at thirty-five, people! The fact is, people who are past fifty, sixty, and yes, even seventy have not stopped loving, longing, dreaming of adventure, and–dare I say it–having sex.
I’m a writer sitting in our cottage in windy Wellington, New Zealand, with Steffie the rescue dog at my feet, writing romantic fiction armed with a box of chocolates, my laptop, a cup of Earl Grey or the occasional glass of Merlot.
I'm interested in showing that women and men in the second half of their lives still have stories of great passion and love to tell. Therefore, my heroines and heroes are of the more seasoned age. They are the George Clooneys, Sandra Bullocks, and Jane Fondas of this world.
I let the characters in my books overcome dangerous obstacles I create for them to find their Happy Ever After. And finding it, they will. After all, I’m writing romantic suspense!