Unlocking the wisdom of the past to change the present, transforming the future.
There are ways of being and doing that honour and preserve the cycle of life on our planet and ways that disrupt and destroy it. There are those who participate in its sustenance and those who participate in its destruction. The question each must ask is: on which ground am I standing?
For some, it may be surprising to learn that for nearly all our species' 300,000 years on Earth we modern humans remained free of wars of conquest, lived in a balanced, non-disruptive relationship with the natural world and led autonomous dignified lives, co-creatively working with energies both encompassing and transcending physical reality.
Appreciation of the workings of the whole, known to the First Australians as the Dreaming, was the bedrock for enduring holistic societies, informing peoples' political, economic and social settings and respectful ethos; their blueprint for living.
In 1991, curious about the ways of humanity's oldest continuous culture, Greg exited corporate life to live in the remote Kimberley region of Australia with a traditional Aboriginal elder and powerful maban (shaman), Lulu, and his people.
Concerned about the state of the world, and threats to the continuity of all life Lulu asked Greg to work with him and the Goolarabooloo people on one book. Over a period of 30 years Total Reset slowly emerged with original knowledge handed down for thousands of generations. Interwoven with stories of the author's journey into a world of people sharing an intimate relationship with multiple levels of reality, Total Reset uncovers ancient knowledge integral to our species' design, highly relevant and applicable today.
The timing is prescient for the future looks neither enduring nor respectful, very many controlled by very few. In an exploitative world of pervasive dependency, freedoms extinguished, digital controls absolute, the flame of the unfettered spirit of life sputters towards extinction. It is the inexorable outcome of duality mindsets now manifesting as the transhumanist vision of those behind 'The Great Reset'.
Total Reset clearly and emphatically points to the alternative road for transforming our future. HIghlighting the power of unity perspectives, it promotes an upward spiral of people and planetary wellbeing with its call for people to recognise and realign with the core principles of the priceless gift bequeathed to humanity from Day One, our holistic blueprint for living.