The Soul Within

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About the author

Toni M Davis

    Toni Davis has been married for almost two decades. Her supportive husband is one of the reasons she published her first book. Toni has only been writing for about five years, while working a full time job. It wasn't until she took a year off of work that she was truly able to focus on her writing. See Toni is known to be a shy person, so it took everyone by surprise that she decided to wrote a book.

     Toni had wrote a short story years ago, but never did anything with it and no one knew about but her husband. Then one night as she was trying to fall asleep she thought of the climax to another story. In the next weeks to come Toni began to write the story down. Eventually "His Road To Adulthood" book series was created. When her husband found out she was writing another story, he gave her the confidence to look into publishing it.

     In the next couple of years there's more books coming from Toni Davis, in many different genres. Be on the look out for books from Author Toni Davis.