The serial epic continues!
Who plays god in a godless world? Man? Or Fate?
The Sons of Balthanon have delivered Sumei to the Fateless Lands. Alone in a foreign country, menaced by scheming factions desperate to claim her, Sumei is faced with a dire choice: Wait for Harker, who promised to return to her but is nowhere to be found? Or do anything she can to avert the coming war between the Unfated and the Blessed?
Meanwhile, Sudden has her little army on the march—toward what end, she doesn't know. She only feels the power surging within her demanding she drive the Sons south. And Trantz Nurayanan, left adrift by Sudden after she stripped him of his Fate, is given a final chance to reclaim his purpose in this life.
Can either side, Unfated or Blessed, emerge victorious in the coming confrontation? Or will both be changed beyond recognition by the clash? Find out in Unfated, Book 4: Fate Damn, Man Dies.