No Good Lie

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About the author

Claire Stibbe

Claire Stibbe is a graduate of the Albuquerque 50th Citizen's Police Academy, Sheriff’s Department CPA, Alumni member and volunteer for Stand True 4 Blue. She has written three books in the Detective Temeke Crime series set in New Mexico. The first in the series is a finalist in the New Mexico/Arizona 2016 Book Awards for Fiction - Mystery/Suspense. She is currently working on the fifth book.

In addition to writing crime fiction, Claire has published an Egyptian fiction series which was a gold medal recipient at Harper Collins Publishers showcase website, Authonomy. She is British and lives in the US.

Stibbe has also written short stories for Breakwater Harbor Books Publishing. The collection won Best Anthology of 2014 in the Independent Book Awards hosted by eFestival of Words. She has written dozens of articles that have been published in business and trade journals and she often presents at workshops and writers events.

MEMBERSHIPS: APD Citizen's Police Academy, Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department CPA, The Alliance of Independent Authors, Southwest Writers, Crime Writers, Historical Novel Society, International Crime Writers Association, Netgalley and The New Mexico Book Co-op.

You can find out more about the author at and on Twitter and Instagram @CMTStibbe

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