A Mother's Warning

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About the author

Kim Vermaak

Kim Vermaak always had a pen in her hand. Whether doodling, crafting poems or writing letters.

Born into an abusive family, Kim’s first heroes were her adoptive parents. Through them, she learned the gift of new beginnings.

She also learned a love of reading and how she could be transported to a place where ordinary people could find the courage to rise above insurmountable odds. Through books, she found her courage.

But it was not until South Africa faced its first series of power cuts, that she found her talent for storytelling. In the dark with a frightened daughter, she began to create heroes that could tap into their inner strength and win.

Through her love of reading, history and young people, Kim crafts stories that embrace the true purpose of storytelling. To impart wisdom. But in today’s fast-paced society, we often reduce stories to pure entertainment value. This leaves little room for us to grow and forces us to relive the painful lessons of the past. 

It is Kim’s passion to see communities create a legacy that will empower future generations.

In her medieval fantasy series, “The Chronicles of Nadine” Kim weaves a landscape of characters, all on paths that their choices have carved. She welcomes readers who have learned lessons through these characters to share them with her and each other.