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The Wedding Speech Manual: The Complete Guide to Preparing, Writing and Performing Your Wedding Speech
Peter Oxley
Peter Oxley is a writer, consultant and coach who lives in the English Home Counties. He enjoys reading and writing in a wide range of areas but his main passions are sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction and steampunk.
His influences include HG Wells, Charles Dickens, Neil Gaiman, KW Jeter, Scott Lynch, Clive Barker, Pat Mills and Joss Whedon.
He is also the author of the nonfiction book: The Wedding Speech Manual: The Complete Guide to Preparing, Writing and Performing Your Wedding Speech.
He lives with his wife, two young sons and a slowly growing guitar collection. Aside from writing and willingly speaking in front of large crowds of strangers, Pete spends his spare time playing music badly, supporting football teams that play badly, and writing about himself in the third person.
Twitter: @Peterdoxley
Facebook: PeteOxleyAuthor