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Jake A. Strife
Jake is a YA writer, character artist, role-player, and avid gamer. His
collection of novels are in the sci-fi/horror or fantasy genres. Throughout
the years, he has written multiple short stories and various screenplays.
Jake was born in the ‘village’ of Bellaire, Ohio. As the population
shrank, he knew he needed to get out or get caught in the trap of the
average small town—if you don’t get out young, you don’t get out at all.
The earliest influences on his writing were survival horror video games,
and sci-fi/fantasy novels. It was the thrill of a good scare and abilities above
and beyond the scope of physics that drove his imagination.
For many years, Jake focused only on his artistic abilities and put writing
aside. He eventually enrolled in an art school, but after taking a Story
Writing course, he became serious about his work and eventually switched
to Creative Writing at another university. He was twice published in the
school’s magazine, The Aviator, for his works, Book of Fate and Omega
Jake spends most of his time with his wife, and is always writing,
drawing, or gaming.