Aren't you tired of doing everything right? Wouldn't you like a second chance to go back and do it wrong? Coed Demon Sluts: Always room on the team. This series of feminist women's fiction fantasy novels features succubi, shoes, and shopping, massive quantities of food and controlled substances, all-girl hot tubbing, riot-grrl rage, rollicking, revenge, renewal, and rejoicing. Six women find out what they're made of by making themselves into something totally other. Books 1-5 of the Coed Demon Sluts series! _______________ READERS SAY: Darcy Smith This is the first book I have read by Jennifer Stevenson and I have to say I am very impressed. This has humor, drama, suspense, a little mystery, and some hot scenes. There were times I was laughing my behind off. But, other times it was serious that shows how well thought out this book is... Trevin J. Matlock Not my normal reading at all. I prefer SF to fantasy and High Fantasy to Urban Fantasy. If I had not read about this on Whatever and followed the link to Amazon and seen it was free I would never have tried it. That was this morning. Finished it five minutes ago. Going to buy the second one after finishing this review. I am curious about the characters. I hope it holds up! In the meantime give this a try. Linda McKay This book has characters I've never seen before: demon sluts! But there's plenty of character traits and experiences any girl can relate to...loving to eat & that supreme wish of unlimited funds and unlimited calorie intake! My hat's off to author Jennifer Stevenson for coming up with something fun, hot and NEW! mom2three Very few books make me actually laugh out loud. Even fewer make me laugh out loud so hard tears run down my face and I can't breathe. Stevenson has accomplished both of those things with this book. This is a fun, sexy story about a woman who got the chance of a redo. She gets to be younger and thinner…She even gets paid! Who wouldn't want this? I'm not exactly sure what genre I would place this in…It is sexy, without being too graphic; humorous, without being silly; romantic, without being too mushy...This is a wonderful story and I look forward to reading about the rest of the Coed Demon Sluts. Brandee Heller I love the concept for the Coed Demon Sluts series! The girls have definitely found a way to make the best of what used to be their bad situations. They stories are paranormal fantasy with a bit of drama and romance, all tied together with a whole lot of comedy. Jennifer Stevenson has quickly become one of my favorite authors. silverstarshoes I was very undecided on this book for quite awhile. On the one hand, it sounded like a light, fun read. On the other hand, middle aged woman suddenly gaining a 20-something year old face with a body that doesn't gain any weight, no matter how much they eat? That sounds like some wish fulfillment ish to me… I really enjoyed this story. It was funny, but also managed to tackle some very serious subjects and raise some serious questions without ever upsetting that delicate balance… Obviously…there is going to be smexytimes, however the references were usually brief, and not overly graphic...warning… frequent mentions of food, so you may find yourself hungry while reading. Gina Raggette I learned a lot about women and their responses to different situations. There's also a lot of psychology and depth to this story. It's also LOL funny and entertaining and I never felt bored once. Love it! kelly green Wasn't expecting the wonderfully developed plot. … The slutty-ness is treated more as you would a passing pedicure or haircut, rather than the main theme of the story... John Piper This book is hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing...I definitely recommend checking this series out!