Max Dedge in The Time of The Uniborg

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The time of the uniborg was foretold on a distant planet.
So, what does it have to do with Max Dedge, loose wheel and occasional detective?
This is just the start of the galactic event known as The BreakThrough, an event that could erase human existence, an event that could spell doom for planet Earth and possibly for history itself. It’s also an event that Max Dedge is blissfully unaware of at the moment.
And that’s a good thing. Because Max Dedge is about to find himself shot at on an alien world, fried by magic in Mexico, investigating corporate underhandedness in New Jersey, following leads on a vanished Rabbi in France, and being chased by certain death from one world to another and in between. At his side, the wizard Jracilla who has trained all her life for this day, thief and nemesis Arturo Delgado who is forever up to no good, and Sylvester… a very special phone.
Max Dedge in The Time of The Uniborg combines a unique fantasy experience with a mystery that binds two worlds and beyond, setting the stage for the epic adventure of The BreakThrough. The BreakThrough is set against a dynamically changing universe filled with characters who will helm their own titles.
Max Dedge in The Time of The Uniborg is just the first step into a universe of magic and time travel, rogues and wizards, space jalopies and portals to other worlds, taking you to the precipice of what you thought science fiction and fantasy could be and then throwing you over the side.

Other books by Ken La Salle

About the author

Ken La Salle

Born on an 18th century mining ship, Ken La Salle writes about whatever he damn well pleases, hoping to build more of a cult following than a readership just for a cut on the robes. From monologues to philosophies to worlds you can’t imagine, he likes to make you think in ways you may not anticipate. Looking for the mainstream but sticking to the shore, you can find out more about Ken La Salle at the imaginatively named