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When a man returning home late from a party hears a scream, he feels he must investigate. What he discovers is shocking and sets in motion events which soon spiral out of control, eventually leading to the deaths of innocent people as events play out in the seedy, violent world of drugs and people trafficking. That single, selfless act, brings together two people from different cultures and explores arranged marriage through the eyes of a young woman who refuses to conform; an act of disobedience which puts her own life at risk and all those around her. A fast-moving story follows this young woman's attempts to escape and her love for an older man who saved her.


Excerpt from Honour


Jack felt warmth against his body. He always slept naked and whoever had just slid close up to him was naked too. A hand reached around, feeling for his growing erection and when contact was made, he felt a shudder which rippled through his whole body. Jack now reacted and turned, allowing the hand to remain over him, that same hand now gripping his buttocks. Hardly an inch away Rashida looked back at him in the darkness, what light that existed now reflected back from her eyes and her white teeth showing through her parted lips, which if he could have seen them were open with desire.

'Rashida, what are you doing?' Jack was amazed by his opening comment. He had assumed he'd have slipped enticingly into her bed. Instead, to his astonishment she had joined him.

'I wanted to thank you for saving my life, but for you I'd be dead by now, or even worse being transported to Pakistan to marry a man I loathe which would be worse than death.' She leaned closer and kissed him for the second time, her breath as sweet as a morning breeze.

'I only did what any man would have done in the circumstances. You have nothing to thank me for, but I'm not sure you should be doing this?' Her response now was to bring her hand back across his body and seek him again.

'I want to thank you in the only way a grateful woman can when someone had saved her life, I want you inside me Jack.' Her lips grazed his again and he felt his member harden further as a slim warm finger encircled its moist tip.

'I can't. You must be a virgin, I will remove something far too valuable to lose in a moment of high emotion, something you will regret having lost in the cold light of day.' Rashida responded almost angrily.

'My virginity is a curse, it becomes a commodity, something which places a value on my head. Something which will be removed in what amounts at an act of ritual once deals are made or money is paid. I become properly, something sold, or offered to another family member to keep what riches others own from falling into the hands of others. I want to decide who enters my body and when.' Jack was stunned by the vehemence of her response. 'Unless you don't want to? Don't you want this that I am holding to go inside me Jack.' Her hands were working now, slowly and with thrilling purpose.



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About the author

Anietta Strong

Hi, I'm Anietta. I've always loved to write even before my teens. Like most people who built a career and led a busy life, I took up writing seriously when life settled down, which for me was when my family grew up and left the nest. I love to write about difficult issues, not shying away from areas some writers prefer to avoid. Yes, they are edgy, maybe sexy too, but that is life. I'm particularly interested in women's issues and my characters reflect my own strong personality. I hate political correctness and speak and write without fear. I hope you enjoy my books.