Hear Me Roar

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     A deep dive into the dark sides of myself and how my own self-hatred, addictions and invasive thought patterns were destroying the one person I needed the most in my lifeā€¦ Me.

     The realizations that would come to me through this journey would bring me to great insight on how the people and circumstances I blamed for my hurt and destruction, truly came from my own doing. That was a minefield that would take me into the darkest parts of who I am.

The people in my life were only reflecting back to me how I was betraying my own self- how I had abandoned myself a long time ago.

     The years I spent alone and isolated, were needed for my own self-awareness to finally get me to look at my own bullshit* and the demons I was fighting within me. It was not the curse I thought it was; however, a divine lesson I needed to learn,

     The people that hurt me, broke me, betrayed me and judged me, were only harsh teachers leading me back to myself and my soul's roar.

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