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About the author

Light of Esotaria

Sherry Kenworthy is a creative writer, a metaphysical teacher and someone who enjoys promoting self-discovery. She's the author of the Light of Esotaria eBooks. In certain books, she transforms sentences into positive affirmations and gratitude statements. Her focus is on the positive so she's in the process of creating a beautiful reality as she writes. She often prays while she writes, as well. Sometimes she includes tips and tricks for achieving certain goals. As the reader is thinking about what is written - they might also be attracting a better experience because the universal law of attraction applies to everyone. If you don't like her affirmations and positive statements, feel free to modify them so you feel a deep spiritual connection with the words and the way your affirmation flows. We all have the potential to think, speak and write specific experiences into existence on the Earth plane as we consciously choose our words. Oh, and - occasionally she writes like a 'normal' person. Sherry wants everyone to be awake and aware that we are creating our own reality as we think, read, visualize, speak and write.