Last Time Forever

See more by Joni Scott and Joni Scott

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The Great War is over. The world celebrates. It is 1920. Childless couple, Francesca and Sebastian leave Sydney, Australia for a second honeymoon in Europe.

Paris is alive and abuzz with artists and writers. They fall in love with the city and each other all over again.

But at the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, the mood is very different. The Great War has left its mark, and the orphanage shelters the tiny victims of its chaos. However, when Francesca and Sebastian meet little Pepe, the sun seems to shine again.

The focus shifts to the excitement in Sydney as the Harbour Bridge starts to extend across the harbour. From her position of privilege as a doctor's wife in Mosman, Francesca watches in fascination as the bridge arches creep ever closer to each other. It will be a bridge to unite the city.

Francesca worries about her older sister, Winnie who has child after child. She tries to help her, but Winnie is proud and stubborn. Fortunately, Winnie's husband, Walter, is one of the lucky men to get a job on the bridge construction. He feels doubly fortunate once The Great Depression of the 1930s descends on the city. The bridge construction becomes a symbol of hope for Sydneysiders.

Francesca's concern shifts to France when the shadow of war in Europe threatens to become world-wide. Hadn't the Great War been the war to end all wars? She fears for her French friend, Lisbette. While the war rages in Europe and another threatens the Pacific, Lisbette becomes involved in the Resistance. Francesca has no idea of her friend's dangerous work because all must be secret.

Last Time Forever is a stand-alone or companion novel to Joni's previous two historical fiction novels, Whispers through Time and Time Heal my Heart. Set mostly in Sydney during the interwar and World War II era, the novel focuses on the lives of two sisters, Winnie and Francesca, whose lives, once close, diverge with tragic consequences for one of them.