The Metal Allergy Guide

See more by Alex Gazzola

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Metal allergies — principally to nickel, but also to cobalt, chromium and other metals — may affect up to one in eight of the population, mainly women, and yet those diagnosed with metal hypersensitivity or systemic nickel allergy syndrome (SNAS) are often given little information or practical advice on either managing symptoms or avoiding contact with triggers.

In this authoritative and in-depth guide, specialist allergy writer Alex Gazzola not only helps you to identify the exposures causing you problems, but also shows you how to protect your skin against triggers, and how to care for it when things go wrong.

The Metal Allergy Guide gives extensive advice for everyone with allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) to metals. There are detailed sections on how to find cosmetics and other everyday products which are safe for your metal allergy, as well as a chapter of advice on diet and nutrition for those with metal allergies — especially useful if you need to reduce your exposure to nickel, or cobalt, or chromium in the food you eat.

The book is complemented by plenty of tips throughout, and provides dozens of useful resources, all to help you manage every aspect of living with a metal allergy, day in, day out.

Other books by Alex Gazzola