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Beverley Oakley
Beverley was seventeen when she bundled up her first 500+ page romance and sent it to a publisher. Rejection followed swiftly. Drowning one’s heroine on the last page, she was informed, was not in line with the expectations of romance readers.
So Beverley became a journalist.
After a whirlwind romance with a handsome Norwegian bush pilot she met in Botswana's beautiful Okavango Delta, Beverley discovered what real romance was all about, saved her heroine from a watery grave in her next manuscript and published her first romance in 2009.
Since then, she’s written more than thirty historical romances laced with mystery and intrigue under the names Beverley Oakley and Beverley Eikli.
She also writes psychological historical mysteries, and Colonial-Africa-set romantic suspense, as B. G. Nettelton.
With an inspiring view of a Gothic nineteenth-century insane asylum across the road, Beverley lives north of Melbourne with her gorgeous husband, two lovely daughters and a rambunctious Rhodesian Ridgeback called Mombo, named after the safari lodge where she and her husband met.
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