Buck Fever

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About the author

Robert Lubrican

Robert Lubrican has worked for a landscaping company, for a lumber company, as a Culligan Man, as the supervisor of a tire warehouse, as a painter, a plumber, a roofer, and a few other things. Along the way he spent 22 and a half years in the US Army, 16 of which were as a CID Agent, investigating felony crimes in which military personnel were involved. He has been to nine different countries but speaks only English and German. He refers to money in far flung places as "scooters", as in "How many scooters does that cost?" The vendor rarely speaks English but, with some gestures, usually understands. He once did a transaction for a formal Korean dress for is daughter and after asking "English?" received a head shake. "Deutch?" got a smile and a nod. German was then used to complete the sale.

All these experiences created the swirling mix of memories which are tapped to write a book or story. If you've read others of his work, you will have noticed that someone always gets pregnant in the story. This is because some of his most treasured memories were of the three times he and his wife created life in her womb. To Robert, there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. The scenes on the Alaskan Highway come in second, if you're curious.