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Dr. Dorine Kramer
As Dr. Dorine says: “When your kids leave the nest, it's your time to soar!” Your children are gone. Now what? In this powerful Itty Bitty Book, Dr. Dorine Kramer shares 15 Essential Tips and Tools she discovered when she was in your shoes. Discover how to be the person you want to be and live the life you want to live now that the kids are gone.
Challenges you may be facing: Have you lost your identity and don't know who you are anymore? Has your full time, 24/7 parenting role vanished, seemingly overnight, and you don't know what to do with yourself? Do you feel isolated, sad, perhaps embarrassed, but don't want to burden your friends and family by telling them? Have you become aware of distance between you and your spouse, or anxious that you're losing your connection with your adult children? Pick up this insightful book today to redefine your identity, reinvent your role in life, restore your relationships, and redesign your future.