Colloquially quilled and carefully created with concern. A genuinely challenging look at just exactly where humanity is going and whether or not we ever had a choice. Within the pages of this book are topics as diverse as: Law Dictionary Disclaimers, Breakfast, Dinosaurs, Hollywood, Video Games, Education, Robots, Children, Adults, Shadowy Figures trying to control us in plain sight and yet completely unnoticed by most…and many more ponderous topics.
Written with true passion and many decades of exoteric AND esoteric thought and research all bundled up into one very provocative and absolutely unhinged look at the entirety of human existence up until NOW. Right up until the very moment you open this book, the words were just filling up these pages keeping it fresh no matter what decade or century (or continent) it is read.
If you feel as if you are of the initiated when it comes to this type of information then please sit back and allow this book to help ground where you are and where you are going in this realm. If YOU, however, are considering yourself either finally ready to enter this world of information or perhaps had no idea that this type of worldview, this type of critical thinking and deep interpersonal soul searching existed…please fasten your safety belts, this could potentially be a bumpy yet truly INSPIRE-rational ride.