Act of Betrayal

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A cosmetics company owner in Dallas, Devon Moore, wants to save her company from bankruptcy, but her ex-husband’s embezzlement sends her into dangerous waters trying to pay back his clients, replace the money he stole from her company and keep her, her daughter, and her parents safe.

Private Investigator, Brett Townsend, wants to find who is threatening his new client and locate the missing money. He suspects the beautiful Devon hasn’t been completely honest with him. A wife has to know, doesn’t she? When she is attacked twice and her daughter is kidnapped, he decides he must adjust his thinking.
Despite Brett’s initial doubts about whether Devon really knew about the money her ex-husband stole, still he’s attracted to the redheaded beauty and admires her love of her daughter for whom she will do anything. Their attraction for each other sizzles under the surface of all they do.
Will they reclaim the hidden money and find the bad guys in time to save her business and the lives of her daughter, her parents, and Devon?

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