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About the author

Merlin Avalondon

Merlin is a book author. He answers the divine call to be a teacher of profound but compact approaches to well-being for individuals and society. From 2011 to 2019, he was preparing for his mission, launched in July 2019 when he founded the "Infinite Ammiratus School of Well-Being," a thought school, and when he taught his first lesson. 
Merlin illuminates two themes: 1—approaches to faith, love, and virtues [Infinite Ammiratus Way™]; 2—approaches to awareness, self-management, and self-fulfillment [Mulumaiyana Meditation™]. The approaches are based on an "apprenticeship" of research and learning methods in the USA, China, South Korea, and Germany for over five decades. He still sees himself as a trainee and a seeker.
Merlin shines on sociology and offers advice on love and intimacy. In his captivating content, he shares insights based on a deep understanding of human nature, which promotes personal growth and development. His transformative methodology integrates psychology, spirituality, and mindfulness into a philosophy that resonates worldwide.  
Merlin's passion is unlocking the human body, mind, and soul potential and offering practical solutions for life awareness, self-management, and self-fulfillment. He guides seekers toward self-discovery and collective empowerment in a harmonious world. With compassion, he invites his followers on a journey of love and intuitive wisdom that triggers a holistic awakening.
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