The Devil's in the Detailz: The Untold Stories That Made Me Brave

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About the author

Jenay Zapparelli

Jenay Zapp is a skilled technician when it comes to scattering the ashes of yesteryear. She is your trusted source for all things happy, healthy, healing, wise, 5D, New Earth & the Golden Age of humanity. Leading people to the "Promised Land," she is an Indie Author, a proactive agent for the greater good, a changemaker, lightworker, cosmic conduit & prosperity conscious activist.

Her books are channeled, edgy, fun, entertaining, nostalgic, & relatable. Simultaneously, they are instrumental regarding human evolution, enlightenment, & deep spiritual transformation. You will find they are super relevant, even uncanny at times. An eternal optimist gone rogue, her books are REAL, relevant & fresh... like hot donuts at dawn. They are for people who wish to be a kinder human. They are for folks who want to WIN, grow, be better, do better, & pump up the volume on their vibratory frequency & sustain it.

CORE MENTORS: Dr. Wayne Dyer, James Redfield, Louise L Hay, Stewart Pearce, Solara An-ra, Sonia Choquette, Shakti Gawain, Esther Hicks, Julia Cameron, Marianne Williamson, Stuart Wilde, Dr. Michael Savage, Eckhart Tolle, Darryl Anka as Bashar, Alicia Power, Marissa Peer, Patricia Cota Robles, Khalil Gibran, Friedrich Nietzsche, St Germain, Jesus Christ, Buddha

SUBJECTS: Nonfiction. Inspirational. Motivational. Health & Wellness. Self-empowerment. Self-development. Ascension. New Earth. 5th Dimension. Human Potential Movement. Real History. Pop Culture. Autobiography. Cosmic Consciousness. Animal Rights. Human Rights. Holistic Healing. Addiction Recovery. Mindfulness. Spirit Guides. Mother Nature. Gaia. Green Living. Mysticism. Spirituality. Social Justice. America. Mind, Body, Spirit. Soul Mastery. Metaphysics. Quantum Mechanics. The Great Awakening. Chakras. Energy Medicine. Meditation. Higher Learning. Family Values. Law of Attraction. Universal Law. Deliberate Creation. Manifestation. Miracles.

Published by: BookonFire Press / “Revolutionizing the World One Book at a Time.”