Antigone's Path

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Antigone's Path
A young woman writes to her mother about personal choices, security and Freedom.

"You value what makes life more secure and comfortable; I value what makes life more free and meaningful. You value what you can see and touch and understand; what is within your immediate reach. I value what I can dream about and hope and fight for; what is out of my immediate reach. Life to you is what it is; we can't change it, we can only make the best of it, and that's what you do. Life to me is never ending change and fight and progress; we can change it, and I try to be a part of that progress."


"Hey, listen" is an anthology of stories Violet and Lisa created over a period of several years. Each title is a fictionalized story, stylized as a letter, of people who were forced to confront powerful self-deceptions about the world and about their world. 


Dear reader, welcome to a world of psychology and emotions.


About the author

Lisa Brown

Lisa is a psychologist. She has studied psychology, clinical psychopathology and political science. She has worked extensively with people in her community on issues regarding family, relationships, parenting, career choices, communication issues, as well as feelings of insecurity, unworthiness and despair.