To the Goddesses and the Gods: Poems

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About the author

Todd Jackson

I had gotten a first-class education in poetry and was en route to an academic career. I had had an overwhelming spiritual experience: the presence of Goddesses and the Gods, primarily the Olympians and the Greek Cthonic deities. I needed to be in just the right place to write good poetry about Them. Accordingly,  I ran away to Las Vegas. I wanted the mountains...the light...the colors...the ambition...
I've been bad at life at times but I'm good at this. You may never be able to unsee Them again.

​​​​​​​Within a year or two I'll be publishing a volume tentatively titled "The Hymns to Us" -- meaning we ourselves, the mortals, singly and collectively  - followed by a second volume of these poems to and of the Goddesses and the Gods. I maintain the YouTube channel Todd Jackson Poetry, where poems from all three of these volumes, one now actual and two prospective, each take their turn at becoming the star of a poem video.