Lost Tales: Beyond Monstrosity

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About the author

Marx Pyle

Marx Pyle is an author, screenwriter, filmmaker, podcaster, adjunct professor, and martial artist whose journey has been as complex as his characters and the worlds in which they live. His first degree was to save the world (Psychology), and the next to pay the bills (Computer Information Systems). His third degree (Film Production) helped him follow his storytelling dreams, but his final (Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction) allowed him to do so without budget constraints. In addition to urban fantasy, he dabbles in science fiction, fantasy, and horror because he can’t filter that “what if” voice in his head. Marx’s new urban fantasy/thriller, Obsidian Monsters, was recently released. He enjoys relaxing at home with his supportive wife, their two cats, and albino rabbit who, while mostly cute and cuddly, occasionally seems to thrive on human flesh and blood. (We suspect she’s related to The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog).