Title: The Journey
Series: Law & Grace
Volume: Book One
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The moving tale of Tim's journey as the principle of Biblical Salvation and God's mercy come to light and life in a descriptive, practical and real way!
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Tim, a varsity student and resident in the coastal town of Ailensbury, hears a Gospel message that he does not like. He questions, challenges and resists what is presented to him. Then trouble strikes. Will his cousin, Andrew, be able to help him in time? Will Tim survive? What is Law and Grace? And what influence will July (pronounced Julie), one of the Harris twins, have on Tim's life?
Join Tim on his journey as he faces the call, the challenges of the status quo, the tension and friction, highs and lows, a race against time, and God's patient working as the message of Law and Grace unfolds in a practical way, revealing why we need Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
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Tim and his cousin, Andrew, both varsity students in the coastal town of Ailensbury, enjoy the outdoors. They particularly love going fishing, and fortunate for them, there is a large lake set in the pristine forested hills just a 10-minute drive outside of town. From here, the story begins to unfold.
The fictional story includes aspects regarding questions we face every day, principles of our daily lives, attitudes we encounter on a regular basis, and the realities of what can be commonly presented to us. There is a lot of Scripture included, along with biblical topics of discussion and sermons given. However, it is all in dialogue form and takes place during activities, thus keeping the technical information flowing, all the while maintaining interest.
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Added at the back of the book are Reference and Glossary sections. Works referred to and verses quoted or alluded to, but the Scripture verse/s not actually written, can be looked up in the reference section. These are linked both ways, so the reader can click on the superscript reference link and view it, or go to the reference section and return to the place in the eBook with ease. In the glossary are some large, or maybe unfamiliar and uncommon words, so that if the reader does not know the meaning of a word, hopefully it has been included in the glossary and can be quickly looked up without greatly disturbing the reading flow.
The print version of the book (5.5"x8.5") is 310 pages in total. The story itself is just more than 73000 words.