Jumpstarting Your Career: Tips & Hacks to Crack the Job-Search Code

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About the author

Adam Najberg

Adam Najberg is a communications and content professional who has lived and worked all over the world. He spent the first 25 years of his career as a reporter and editor, mostly at The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires. He began his career with The Associated Press in San Francisco and wrote for nearly a dozen publications as a freelance contributor. He has been a recruiter and hiring manager since 1997. He has mentored or advised nearly 150 people, from entry level to the executive suite, on their career options and direction. That has helped them gain a broader perspective on the job-search process and the path they choose to take. His holistic approach involves helping job-seekers to craft a unique, personalized narrative, assess and classify their top attributes and skills to stand out in the recruitment and interview process.