Humane Education in Higher Education: Advancing Inclusive Social Justice Studies in a Postsecondary Environment

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The realm of higher education is designed to disseminate knowledge. The content area is easy to define, but what is being taught related to inclusive social justice and the streaming spectrum of human, non-human, and environmental interactions? Moral intelligence and compassion are shaped by many social dynamics, and in countless ways the postsecondary educational system has a chance to incorporate inclusive prosocial development into instructional concepts as well as the overarching campus systems. Discover how faculty and staff working in higher education institutions can push beyond the degree-specific cognitive skills and encourage compassion so that learners experience social and emotional growth. Humane Education in Higher Education: Advancing Inclusive Social Justice Studies in a Postsecondary Environment features contributions by twelve scholars of the humane and prosocial movements. The book puts forth the primary concept that "A truly humane education revolves around inclusive social justice and supports personal development of 'critical thinking, problem solving, perspective-taking, and empathy as it relates to people, animals, the planet, and the intersections among them,'" according to editor Stephanie Itle-Clark. The volume aims to bring truly inclusive humane pedagogy into the realm of higher education to effectively address teaching intersectionality of social justice issues.

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