A Ghostly Gift: Ghostly Inheritance Book One within the Children of Chaos series


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Eliza was the first to know when her grandma had passed away, and not because she had received any phone call. In fact, it was the middle of the night and her grandma visited her bedroom. Her ghost, that was. Eliza thought she was dreaming but her grandma told her details of her passing that only she would know, and those were confirmed the next day.

Her grandma was the first ghost Eliza had ever seen and she wouldn’t be her last. It turns out her grandma was more than the chocolate chip baking, soap opera watching grandmother she had known. She had been able to see the dead and help them pass on to their next stage in life. This sometimes involved helping the police solve the mysteries behind their deaths, too.

It turns out this ghostly gift is inherited, only passed down when the previous family seer dies. Since Eliza’s mom refused to acknowledge her mom’s “quirk”, as she called it, the gift skips her and takes home inside Eliza. But will Eliza think it is a gift like her grandma did, or will she want to ignore it as a quirk, like her mom, when tasked with her first mission?

Other books by Lore Nicole