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Eric Dac
Dans la Lumière d'une confiance absolue et spirituelle. Face aux problèmes que nous rencontrons et surmontons chaque jour. " grâce aux mantras "A la profonde sagesse que nous dictent nos anges gardiens. ensemble à l'unisson main dans la main Tournon nos cœurs vers l'infini. Eric Dac a suivi l'enseignement secret des êtres de lumières qui se transmet oralement depuis la nuit des temps. il est le premier auteur a transmettre cet enseignement divin par écrit, enseignement qui peut être pratique par tous et toutes, peut importe l'Age, le niveau d'élévation spirituel ou les croyances religieuses Eric Dac engage le lecteur sur la voie de la découverte de la Lumière Divine, celle-là même dont l'existence est révélée par toutes les religions. Dès les premières pages, grâce à une technique unique, l'auteur invite son lecteur à l'action et le conduit sur le chemin qui lui permettra de recevoir et de transmettre la Lumière. De la découverte de l'aura (halo énergétique qui entoure le corps humain), à l'ouverture des chakras (centres énergétiques), Eric DAC explique très clairement comment utiliser le formidable potentiel énergétique qui sommeille dans notre corps et notre esprit En révélant les clés inédites et secrètes d'une puissance insoupçonnée, l'auteur offre à chacun le moyen de réactiver son corps et l'harmoniser en vue d'un équilibre parfait , élargir le champ de conscience pour permettre un ressenti extraordinaire de chacune de nos actions , se protéger et protéger tous ceux qui nous sont chers atteindre la guérison spirituelle de tous les maux de l'esprit et du corps , ouvrir les centres énergétiques et accéder au bien-être. "VERITE" s'adresse à tous ceux qui aspirent à la sincérité et à l'harmonie avec soi-même et ceux qui nous entourent. Jamais un ouvrage dans ce domaine n'a été plus clair et plus évident.
In the Light of absolute and spiritual trust. In the face of the problems we encounter and overcome every day.
« Thanks to the mantras » to the profound wisdom dictated to us by our guardian angels. Together in unison, hand in hand, let us turn our hearts towards the infinite.
Eric Dac has followed the secret teaching of the beings of light which has been transmitted orally since the dawn of time. He is the first author to transmit this divine teaching in writing, a teaching which can be practised by everyone, regardless of age, level of spiritual elevation or religious beliefs.
Eric Dac leads the reader on the path of discovery of the Divine Light, whose existence is revealed by all religions. From the very first pages, thanks to a unique technique, the author invites his reader to action and leads him on the path that will allow him to receive and transmit the Light.
From the discovery of the aura (the energetic halo that surrounds the human body), to the opening of the chakras (energy centres), Eric DAC explains very clearly how to use the formidable energetic potential that lies dormant in our body and our mind.
By revealing the unpublished and secret keys to an unsuspected power, the author offers everyone the means to
to reactivate the body and harmonise it in order to achieve perfect balance,
to widen the field of consciousness to allow an extraordinary feeling of each of our actions,
to protect ourselves and all those who are dear to us
to achieve spiritual healing of all the ills of the mind and body,
to open the energy centres and access well-being.
« TRUTH » is for all those who aspire to sincerity and harmony with themselves and those around them.
Never has a book in this field been clearer and more obvious. With his book, Eric DAC has taken up the challenge and teaches us the only possible way to the Truth !
Do you know that invisible beings are ready to help you overcome any difficulty in your life ?
That they are near you, always ready to answer your call. These wonderful beings are the Beings of Light.
And the author of these books invites you to contact them by simple but proven means. Discover quickly in these overwhelming books : how to access directly the astral planes. How to formulate your requests so that they are literally printed in the Astral. The techniques to enter the vibration of the planes of light. And of course, the fantastic means used for years by the author to become - for oneself and for others - an authentic channel of light.
Faced with any difficulty in life, there is a Being of Light ready to help you. Eric Dac is the author of the « best-selling » : TRUTH ! BROTHERS OF LIGHT, DIVINE CONTACT, BECOME A BEING OF LIGHT…