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After successfully rescuing her brother from a serial killer and stopping a plot to use a magic butter knife to massacre thousands, Zita Garcia is ready for a return to her regular life: illegally climbing skyscrapers, hiding her superpowers, and grudgingly earning a paycheck to cover all those bills piling up.

Unfortunately, her least favorite supervillains are rampaging around in a bloody crime spree, outmaneuvering and outgunning the police. Enlisting her friends to help, even the one sulking in his dad's basement, she's got to stop the bad guys and their latest evil plan before anyone else dies. Even if Zita isn't sure what they're doing, other than it involves Brazil.

And maybe dinosaurs.

Power is the third in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series and includes immoderate language, lame sexual innuendo, and comic book violence.


About the author

Karen Diem

Karen Diem is pretty certain people would rather read about upcoming releases than about her, but to be safe, she put information about both on her website.

For a quick overview, Karen was a nonfiction writer for a number of years. As she found herself unable to stop writing entirely, she decided to turn to her true vocation, fiction writing. The first work she was willing to publish became Super, and a new career was born.

Not surprisingly, Karen likes books, lots of books. She is also fond of her long-suffering family, big dogs, and the Oxford comma.