Defying the Invaders

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About the author

William kirkpatrick

I love to write stories where science fiction blooms and storytelling thrives, My goal is to not only create universes with rich, complex ideas and fully realised characters but that are journeys that invite my readers to unknown lands.

My passion for the vast Star Wars universe, which was crafted by many talented people including Timothy Zahn, Michael A. Stackpole, and Aaron Allston, is what drives me. Their contributions, to the works of science fiction alongside Stephen King's brilliant tales, is what has inspired me to not only read but to write, and their echoes can definitly be found within my works. Be it King's Penance for death and destruction, or the Science Fiction world building of the others. 

My aspiration is not just to tell stories, but to leave a lasting impression on the reader’s mind, much like the marks left by the legends who inspired me.