Delmen MacDougall lived a relatively comfortable life for a dwarf in Steamtown. He had his enchanting shop, his flat, and his health. He even had a friend. All he had to do was follow Governor Law's mandates to the letter. Non-citizens of Steamtown, called travelers, didn't make sticking to the mandates easy. They robbed him. They killed him, forcing him to resurrect. They hurled insults at him, calling him an "NPC," whatever that was.
When one traveler attacked his only friend in the world, Delmen eagerly abandoned his mandates and fought back. He earned himself a bounty that forced him to hide underground. Now a fugitive, Delmen must do everything in his power to gain his freedom again, and that meant clearing his bounty by whatever means necessary. The alternative, being captured by the guards and locked up in Steamtown Stockades for the rest of his life, was not an option.