Devotion - Men in the Bible: Journey to Rediscover God, the Bible and Yourself as a Man

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About the author

Dennis C Stevenson Jr

Hi, I'm Dennis! I write books for everyday Christians who want to build their faith. I believe that you can have a rich and rewarding spiritual life - even if you didn't go to seminary, or learn how to read Greek and Hebrew. The tools of the Christian faith don't have to be a mystery. That's where I want to help.

I write books that cut through the confusing terms and present spiritual truth in everyday language. I'll show you how to get the most out of your Christian life with the tools and knowledge you already have. I'll break it down until it makes sense and you can do it for yourself.

You can think of me as your personal guide on your spiritual journey.

I grew up in a pastor's home. Some nights, the dinner table felt like a seminary classroom. But the result was that I was given a deep love of God and the Bible from a very early age. As an adult, I built on that foundation by pursuing learning and study on my own. I still haven't gone to seminary, I don't think that's necessary to pursue God. I have impressed God's word on my heart and made it central in my life.

I've been studying the Bible myself for over 30 years. For more than 20 of those years I've been teaching others what I know. This experience, both of study and teaching, has shown me what everyday Christians want to know, and how they like to learn it. As an author, my purpose is to capture what I know and give it to you.

When I left home for college, my dad gave me 2 books which have been profoundly influential in my own ongoing development. The first was Decision Making and the Will of God by Gary Friesen. This book has given me a degree of freedom from worry and stress that is wonderful. The second book was Independent Bible Study by Irving R. Jensen. It showed me a great way to study the Bible and learn the truth of what it has to say. Even to this day, I use this method in my own studies.

I look forward to sharing journeys together. I hope you find my books encouraging and helpful.
