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Anthony Robinson
About me
I was born in England and experienced World War Two's bombing and rationing. Before Primary School finished, I was in the small country town of Gulgong, Australia. No bluebells, crocuses, and daffodils in Spring, instead, a harsh dry country where boys walked barefoot to school and when it eventually rained, all the family became prospectors looking for traces of gold in the dirt gutters. Aged 10 in that year, I hunted every week for rabbits and fed the family and our dogs, collecting the skins to sell to hat-makers.
The next year we moved to Sydney and High School, where my early ambitions were to be a scientist. Working for the Public Service, I got a scholarship and became a teacher. There was no time for writing as I was busy raising two beautiful daughters and playing tennis.
Everything changed when I bought a MacIntosh and started up the first User Group in Australia. It was fantastic being on the leading edge of technology and so I went into Information Technology. Now there were hours on the train and stories that must be told and old blank accounting books to write them into. I'm glad I learned Speed Reading as it helped me do three degrees and these days to read children's books by the bucket load.
How good is it to learn new software such as Adobe Cloud which I use exclusively to produce my books, their covers and my websites!