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T. Dorsey
I grew up seeing the things that were missing, in things that were labeled; Complete. Life & history, is about events in ones existence that has changed them or maybe the world. These are great stories in time, stories in time that became iconic after the fact & that is how life works on any planet. To me, the characters that I have created, exist. They exist to me because the personalities of these characters are as genuine as the many individuals I have met throughout this life. This is just the beginning; 2 Books done out of 13 & every story to come, has it's own historical events to face. What's the Update on book 3? You tell me. I'll bring forth some feedback on book 3, after book 1 & 2 make best seller. Some stories may be lost to you for each book has its own value. Just like those lost in our own history, everybody has a part to play & you don't want to miss out. Meaning, that you won't have to read the rest of the books in order, but it would behoove you to do so. Most fantasy novels lose themselves in the word fantasy; where things start to make no damn sense. Like the movie scripts that piss you off because the lack of realism is horrible. This fantasy novel is driven by a realistic platform, which is why there is sex, death, mistakes & mishaps within each novel. I love fantasy, Anime & Mythology; I've been creating my own fiction since the age of 9 & being a child at heart, I feel we adults need some adult time, in what we use to love. In this saga, there's a lot of mood changing moments behind a thrilling story that surrounds a captivating world. It took me some time to write each book. I put so much thought into the plot that the first book ended up being the fifth novel. Yeah, I have a lot of passion for what is now available to you. The development of my characters alone took me on my own personal journey. So please enjoy & leave your review, no matter what you feel, express yourself. Life is not about being nice; it's harsh, murderous & ever-changing. Courtesy, is the only expectations one should ever have. So we appreciate your support, & welcome you, to our world. Don't forget to check out Book 1 & Book 2's Soundtrack Albums. Book 1's Soundtrack Album is FREE: Black EMO Book 2's Soundtrack Album: Burning Bridges