God Of Apocalypse: Naim Hasan is an American poet , Born in July 24, 1979. An eager learner during his lovely student life.

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About the author

Naim Hasan

God Of Apocalypse: Naim Hasan is an American poet born and brought up in Bangladesh. Born in July 24, 1979. An eager learner during his lovely student life. Have you always found it easier to consume content in the form of poetry to understand the world around you and have special interest in making sense of stuff that you’ve never gotten answers to?
Gods of Apocalypse will quench your thirst for poetry as it gives you a fresh perspective for ancient forgotten truths that will help you make sense of things that have always seemed senseless to you!
Naim Hasan’s poems are inspired by the Bengal poets of the nineteenth century and the metaphysical style of the sixteenth century poet John Donne. This work brings together an amazing array of outlooks to help guide your life. Every critical stage and facet of life from love and faith to consciousness and self-introspection are covered in this elegant work.
Keep reading to learn why …
Destiny is a trickier subject than you imagine
Love and sex are connected
Material desires can never be satisfied
Death is not something to fear
Read along as we cover critical issues like:
• The nature of God
• The cruelty of love
• Understanding oneself
• The meaning and purpose of prayer
• The crisis of religion
• The human fear of death
• The nature of consciousness
• And so much more!
When you are done with this book, your perspective on life will have changed in ways you never imagined possible. The various poems are well structured and everything is easy to understand, even for someone who hasn’t always loved poems!
Are you ready?