Jennifer's Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer's First Spanking

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Jennifer's Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer's First Spanking 


Beautiful young Jennifer Perch has been acting out, and when her Headmaster, Will Beecham, offers her a course of loving discipline, she accepts his offer with caution that soon becomes enthusiasm! 


In this volume of Jennifer's adventures she receives her first spanking, and discovers the sweeter sensations and emotions that discipline can lead to.


We also meet Maddie, Beecham's secretary, a woman with her own erotic agenda. 


An exciting adventure begins…


"This is A-grade erotica in a traditional style and setting, but told by an author with an eye for the telling erotic detail. And character details. The setting is other-worldly but the people are alive and three-dimensional. I love this series!"  – V. Sevigne, reviewer



From: Jennifer's Pleats and Pleas 1: Jennifer's First Spanking 

I frowned. I'd thought Jennifer was one of the good girls, hardworking, intelligent: an over-achiever. Something wasn't right.


I pulled out her file. She was twenty, two years younger than me. She had an outstanding school record, except that recently there had recently developed a persistent pattern of lateness and missed classes. Jennifer had circled "s" for "submissive" on her enrolment form, and it seemed she was experimenting with being a bad girl. I sympathized, a little, but she needed to be brought back to earth, quickly and firmly.  


I buzzed Maddie, my receptionist and secretary, to ask her to call Jennifer Perch to my office, immediately.

About the author

Jerusalem Mortimer