A Cat's Cradle

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About the author

Carly Rheilan

Carly Rheilan was born in Malta and lives in the UK.  She was educated in Oxford University (which she hated and left) and then at Brunel (a small-town technological university where she stayed for a PhD). She is psychiatric nurse.  She has done research into criminal justice and taught in universities  She has children of her own and has also fostered two children with mental health problems.   She has worked many years in the NHS.

Her novels address issues at the edges of psychiatry, crime and personal trauma.

Carly Rheilan is shy and private person.  If you want an image of her, you may picture her working late into the night in the rain of an English village, in a conservatory full of tropical plants, hunched over a computer and drinking too much coffee.  When not working or writing, she spends time with family, rages against the politics of her unequal country, and battles against acres of nettles in a community garden.