Lagoa, The Spirit of Leisure

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About the author

Izhar Perlman

My name is lzhar Perlman and I was born in Israel.

In my youth, I had a career as a musician, advertising, and artistic photographer.

In my early twenties, I moved into business and dealt with different commodities. Office machinery, Hi-Fi equipment, watches etc.

Throughout my business experience, I was intimately involved in sales, sales management and delivered very successful sales training to most life insurance companies in Israel.

Later I co-founded a business that dealt with testing manpower called U-Man, and the business became such a  success that it turned into a franchise system that grew in three years to include franchises in most of the European countries. I relocated, with my business, to Switzerland.

Two years later I sold the business and moved to Florida, USA. Where I established another franchising system that dealt with weight loss.

Back in Switzerland, I developed the business into a sixty-seven franchise network.

Visiting Portugal, I fell in love with the country and its people and is living there ever since.

I shared this passion to Portugal through my photography.

My photographs were published in books, albums, postcards and magazines in Portugal and the USA.

I live in the countryside, surrounded by beautiful nature, accompanied by my wife, Solange, and our three dogs.